Saturday, May 05, 2012

Phatveggie's front perennial garden in progress

Last year I started working on the shade perennial garden in the front yard. I worked up the soil and added compost. A few days later, we had a big wind storm, and the large ash tree kept breaking off large limbs. There was irreparable damage to the poor thing so we had all the ash trees in that cluster cut down. I was saddened because I had picked out all these wonderful shade plants for the area. It is now full sun to partial shade.
At the end of summer we planted a crabapple tree. It has beautiful red bark and lovely red flowers. The crabapples are very small berry-like fruits that stay on the tree into winter. The tree will eventually add to each season with color. It is Scott’s birthday tree, and it is very exciting to see this Spring. We planted bulbs during the Fall, and they have delighted us with color in the front garden this Spring. A new selection of plants has been selected to add to the perennial garden in the coming days.

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